There’s a time and a place for throwing in the towel, but that time might not be now, and that place might not be your current office. While there are many good reasons for quitting your job, there are also a number of reasons to consider hanging in there.
If you can leave your current position on your terms, when you’re ready, the transition to new employment will be much smoother. Waiting also gives you the opportunity to think it through to be sure that the decision you’re making to resign is the right one.
Sometimes, quitting isn’t the best thing to do. It can cost you money, and even make it harder to get hired if you don’t have another job lined up.
Before you say “I quit,” review these reasons why you may not want to resign right away.
Here are 8 reasons not to resign from your job (yet)
1. A Timely Break from the Work Environment Can Offer You Perspective
2. You’re Upset
3. You Don’t Love Your Job, But That Pain Might be Fixable
4. You Need Benefits
5. You Can’t Afford to Quit
6. You Don’t Have a Departure Plan in Place
7. You Don’t Have a New Job Ready
8. You’re Not Sure About Quitting
Have you been working almost around the clock without a vacation or any time off? If you’re burned out from doing too much, taking some time away from the office could be a quick fix. A vacation, even a short one, can give you clarity and will help you decide what the next phase of your career should be.
You’ve had a terrible day at work, you’re mad at the boss, and nothing is going right. Quitting may seem like the best solution, but decisions made in haste aren’t always the best ones. Go home, calm down, think it through, and wait at least 24 hours to be sure you really want to quit right now.
Not liking your job is a legitimate reason for quitting, but is there a way to make your role more palatable or are there other positions at the company that could be a better fit? If you like your company, your manager, and your co-workers, maybe staying in a different position is an option.
If you have a decent benefits package, it’s important to know what will happen to your employee benefits after you leave your job. You don’t want to raise red flags with your boss or human resources department by asking too many questions about what happens after you terminate employment, but the information may be available online or in your employee handbook. Carefully review your options for continuing coverage, and for what happens to the benefits you currently have in place when you leave.
Finding a new job isn’t always as quick or as easy as you might think. Even if you have a strong skill set and work in an in-demand career field, the interview process can be lengthy, and you will need to replace your lost earnings until you start a new position.
Quitting without a plan in place can be scary because there are too many unknowns. You don’t know how long it will take to get hired, you may spend down your bank account faster than expected, and you don’t know where you’re going to find your next job. It’s better to explore the job market, to know which jobs you’re qualified for, how much you can expect to earn, and which organizations are hiring, in advance. A smooth departure plan will ensure a successful transition to new employment.
Of course, making the decision to quit when you have a new job to go to is easy. If you don’t, it’s easy to job search online from your phone, as well as on a computer. Many employers conduct phone interviews, and you can juggle taking time off from work for in-person interviews. Fast track your job search to get hired quickly, then turn in your notice.
What should you do if you want to quit, but aren’t sure if you should? The best way to start the decision-making process is to make a list of the pros and cons of your current job, including job responsibilities, salary, benefits, schedule, opportunities for growth, company culture, and what your career path looks like with your present employer. If you have another job offer, compare your current compensation package with the one offered by the new company.
Once you have decided to resign, it’s important to leave your job as gracefully as possible.
Be sure to let your supervisor know by giving them a reasonable notice period and a formal resignation letter. Also, always thank them (and your coworkers) for their time and be gracious for what you have learned while at the company. You never know when you might need to call upon them for a reference later in life.
(written by: Whitney)