Our Actions Relating to the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Let’s Stay Safe and Healthy!

RESPONSIBLE RESTART OHIO: In-Person Actions by Pre-Arrangement Only

The State of Ohio is presently operating under a Safer-at-Work / Responsible Restart initiative. Following the guidelines of the CDC and the State of Ohio, we are back in our offices in Mount Vernon, and retaining contingency remote access to all of our systems.


Our operations continue normally, and we are able to process job-order requisitions, job applications, payroll and other employee-focused tasks. We are able to accommodate and complete many requests without requiring you to travel to our offices. In very specific and very limited circumstances, we will meet individuals in-person as needed. Please contact us in advance to request an in-person visit to our offices.


If you need assistance, you can always:

  • CALL: (740) 397-2040
  • EMAIL: MountVernon@ShannonStaffing.com
  • GO ONLINE: www.ShannonStaffing.com
  • APPLY: www.ShannonStaffing.com, then choose
    • ‘Search Our Jobs’ or ‘Apply Now’
  • MAIL/DROP: Items can be dropped off at our mailbox: 100 E Ohio Ave, Mount Vernon, OH 43050

Thank you for your understanding! We wish you and your loved ones Health and Safety!



    To help protect our in-office employees and our visitors, effective May 4, 2020, all guests MUST wear a face covering that covers the mouth and nose, at all times, while visiting with us. (This requirement does not apply to children under the age of 2 or to individuals who are unable to wear a face covering due to a medical condition.) In addition, prior to entry, all guests will be asked a series of screening questions as well as have their temperatures taken using a non-contact thermometer.


    Our in-office employees will be wearing a face covering while interacting with Shannon Staffing assignment employees and other members of the public. We know some individuals may find this screening and face covering requirement inconvenient or objectionable, but under the circumstances we believe the added safety is worth any short-term inconvenience. This is not simply a matter of personal choice; a face covering protects not just the wearer, but others too.


    In short, we believe this is the right thing to do under the current circumstances. Although some may disagree with this policy or question its effectiveness, we’re choosing to err on the side of safety in our environments. Shannon Staffing has continued to operate during this crisis, and our employees are fully supportive of those who face challenging times. As part of a community, we believe this simple act of safety and courtesy is one that guests and employees can undertake together.


    The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends the use of face coverings in public settings where social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. The CDC advises that face coverings can help slow the spread of the virus, including among those who are not aware they carry it. However, the use of a face covering should not be seen as a substitute for social distancing. Please continue to observe rules regarding appropriate social distancing and COVID-19 hygiene while at our offices.


    Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


    Nelson Law, President



As businesses, schools and governments make moves to keep people safe, and awareness and concerns spread regarding COVID-19 (novel coronavirus), we want you to know that YOU are our #1 priority.


We are keeping up-to-date with the most recent information available from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (www.cdc.gov) as well as the Ohio Department of Health (https://odh.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/odh/home).


In addition, when our office is open we are doing the following to keep our office a safe and healthy place for our visitors, guests and team members:


We are:
1. Listening to experts and following CDC recommendations and the Ohio Department of Health guidelines for cleaning and gathering.
2. Asking those who are sick, who have traveled to areas with ongoing COVID-19 spread, or who have compromised immune systems to re-schedule office visits to a later date.
3. Cleaning and disinfecting more frequently with antibacterial & antiviral wipes and cleaning solutions.
4. Avoiding shaking hands, emphasizing social distancing, eliminating non-essential work travel, and minimizing any physical contact.
5. Providing face masks and gloves for our in-office employees, as needed, when interacting with visitors.


For our assignment employees and prospective office visitors:
1. Stay home if you are not feeling well, and contact your physician. (Please keep us informed so that we can convey your expected absence to those who need to know at your assignment location.)
2. Wash with soap and water to destroy the virus. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. (While an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains 60%–95% alcohol can be used, it’s best to reserve those resources for work locations where soap and water are not readily available.) If your hands are visibly dirty, soap and water should be used rather than an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
3. Avoid touching your face (eyes, nose, mouth).
4. Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, and immediately throw the tissue in the trash.
5. As always, it is especially important to clean hands after going to the bathroom; before and after eating; and after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose.
6. Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
7. Wear a nonsurgical face mask in public (fully covering your nose and mouth), regardless of whether or not you are showing symptoms of respiratory illness (including COVID-19). Continue to practice good hand hygiene.


To help our clients manage their businesses through the unexpected absences of employees, we are:
1. Encouraging any sick employees to stay home and contact their physician, and recover by following the advice of their physician.
2. Offering replacement employees, whenever available, to back-fill open positions.
3. Keeping open lines of communications with clients, even if our office is closed, through our 24x7x365 email and phone systems.
4. As always, maintaining remote, contingency access to all of our processing systems, including payroll.


Our actions and precautions are intended to help address the challenges, fears and uncertainty of the situation. If you have any remaining questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.


Thank you for being part of our Shannon Staffing community.
We remain committed to our mission:

…Working Together.

……Building Futures.

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