Yes, the World Will Continue to Spin … So Be Kind!

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Patience and Kindness. Compassion and Understanding. Safety and Health.


Irritated at a driver in front of you for driving well below the speed limit? Impatient with a server at a restaurant? Frustrated with a colleague for not getting something done right away? Beyond your wits end because your children are ignoring your instructions?


We all find ourselves in these predicaments. And we often let it control us, to the point that our blood boils. And often enough, 10 minutes later we have moved on and completely forgotten about it.



So why do we let it get to us? Why can’t we display more patience, kindness, compassion and understanding? Why do we let these events endanger our safety and health?


Below are a few tips we can all try to incorporate into our daily lives, to help us be more patient with life and each other, and to be more safe and healthy in our relationships.

  • 1. Be mindful and self-aware.

  • Why are you SO rushed? Did you push your snooze button too many times this morning, and then get snippy with your barista because she was making you late? We often find ourselves rushing through tasks and getting annoyed when someone else isn’t moving at the same pace as we are. But what are we really rushing for? Making checklists and getting them done quickly is a goal for each day, but others on the team may be new to the game. So what if they need another minute to work through a problem? Giving them an extra minute to work through the problem — instead of showing them quickly and moving on hastily — can help them learn more on their own! The goal will still be achieved.



  • 2. Take a moment.

  • You’ve shown a teammate how to solve this problem a million times and yet they are still struggling to find the answer. Take a moment to step back … take a deep breath … and give them an extra minute. It’s so easy to get frustrated and say, “Well, I’ve shown you this a million times!”, but give yourself the strength and fortitude to keep your cool. Taking a deep breathe helps slow you down … to look at the bigger picture. Yes, you are annoyed, not angry, and if you react suddenly you may be perceived in the wrong light. Saying things out of anger can damage relationships and evaporate trust.



  • 3. Recognize that being uncomfortable can actually be good for you.

  • Your personal health depends on eating right, exercising often, and maintaining a healthy attitude. Here’s another way to build up your mental stamina: Challenge yourself to wait 5-10 minutes before eating your food after you’ve finished making your plate. Why? To practice being more patient, so in the long run you’ll stop sweating the small stuff that tends to get under your skin.


  • 4. Ask yourself, “What is important?”

  • Is that your coworkers become confident and knowledgeable in the work that we do? Is it that there is a healthy relationship between colleagues or between family members? Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. If you are ever in a position to teach someone something new, take the time to listen, to answer questions, and to repeat steps as often as necessary. We all can learn something from one another.



  • 5. Laugh at yourself.

  • Do you ever find yourself getting flustered at the smallest things and then hours later realize how ridiculous you were? Don’t let life get the best of you. The majority of the time, it’s not as serious as it seems in the moment. We are human, and none of us are perfect.


The next time you start to feel your blood boil over a small annoyance, I hope you remember these few tips! Realize that the world won’t stop turning because of what’s happening in the moment. See the blemishes, and adapt.


(written by: Donna)

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